Email Marketing
There are numerous platforms available for email marketing such as MailChimp, iContact, Constant Contact etc - hundreds more.
We however have a great deal of experience with email marketing and have fantastic delivery rates and pricing. We have a straight forward system to use which will manage any number of lists and subscription categories.
Unlimited email sending packages
We'll assess your requirements such as the size of your list and the frequency in which you want to send newsletters. If your requirements are small we may include sending in your website hosting package.
For larger requirements we will look to put in place an unlimited sending package which we review quarterly. We believe this offers you by far the best value for money and gives you the freedom to run your campaigns how you want and budget for your email marketing easily.
Bespoke website & CRM integration
Where we come into our own is the integration of our email marketing system with your websites customer database. For eCommerce websites we have some very exciting and intelligent options available and we can do very clever things with your database that off the shelf platforms simply cannot.
We can also integrate our platform into your Office 365 account so that all your sent emails appear in your sent items!
GDPR compliance
GDPR requirements vary across companies but we can do anything you need to make your database and storing of personal details compliant and very secure. We can even automatically cleanse your database for you based on requirements that you specify.